JANIROC Varietal Garden Organic 500 Ml
JANIROC Varietal Garden Organic 500 Ml

JANIROC Varietal Garden Organic 500 Ml


Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a tribute to our Fifth Generation. Made exclusively from more than 200 varieties of olives grown in our "Varietal Garden" in L'Albagés. A jewel of great fragrance and a perfume with a delicate balance and vibrant peppery touch.
AOVE Catalonia 2024 Awards. Best Medium Green Fruity Oil of Catalonia (Small Producers). 


Unique Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a tribute to the Fifth Generation of the Pons Family. Made with more than 200 varieties of olives grown in our "Varietal Garden" located on our farms of L'Albagés. Early Harvest Oil, made with very fresh olives. It is an oil of great fragrance and perfume, delicate and subtle tasting with a magical touch of a peppery balance oil that is vibrant and lasts long on the palate. This is a Limited-Edition product. Ideal to enjoy as a finishing oil for many applications.

Intensity (1 to 5)
More than 200, masterfully crafted from around the world.
Certified Organic
Other Sizes & Packaging
With gift box, 250 ml
Recommended Uses
Toast, tomato salads, cold pasta salads and drizzling on many other dishes.
+400 mg/kg

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